Enlightenment Subverted
Parody as Social Criticism in Pieter van Woensel's Lantaarn
This article argues that the common satirical technique of parody does not
only mock the formal qualities of genres and media, but also functions as a
tool for social criticism. This view is illustrated by means of a Dutch satirical
case from the late eighteenth century, the almanac-like periodical De Lantaarn
(1792–1801) by Pieter van Woensel. It is shown that De Lantaarn’s parody of the
almanac, a genre that had strong educational and ‘Enlightening’ connotations
at the time, can be interpreted as a critique on contemporary (ab)uses of the
Enlightenment discourse. This ‘social criticism through parody’ is what makes
satires like De Lantaarn subversive.