Chapter 1
Acquisition of symmetrical and asymmetrical Differential Object Marking
in Estonian
We compared the acquisition of symmetrical and asymmetrical
Differential Object Marking (DOM) within Estonian, which employs symmetrical
DOM (alternation between overtly case-marked objects) with asymmetrical
subsystems (alternation between marked and unmarked objects) for
imperatives, impersonal voice constructions and plural objects. This
difference in marking symmetry is linked to differences in form frequency
and morphological complexity, with both factors affecting language
acquisition. Through a detailed corpus analysis, we found that marking
symmetry has an effect on one child’s DOM usage at ages 2;0 and 3;0. The
child uses more marked objects overall and makes more errors of commission
than omission in asymmetrical contexts, using case-marked objects in place
of unmarked ones. Morphological complexity and frequency of form-function
pairings were found to affect acquisition.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Background
- 2.1Previous research on the acquisition of DOM
- 2.2Frequency and morphological complexity
- 2.3DOM in Estonian
- 2.4Predictions
- 3.Corpus study: Quantitative analysis
- 3.1Method
- 3.2Results of quantitative analysis
- 4.Nominative objects and errors in DOM
- 4.1Nominative objects
- 4.1.1Imperative clauses
- 4.1.2Plural objects
- 4.2Errors
- 5.Discussion and conclusions
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