Frames, contextual information and images in terminology
A proposal
In this paper, it is our aim to analyse and evaluate possible applications of the Berkeley FrameNet project (Fillmore et al., 2003) and its Spanish counterpart (Subirats, 2004, 2007; Subirats and Petruck, 2003) to recent advances in terminographic definitions, context and visual representations (Faber et al., 2006; Montero and García, 2004). In our proposal, following a typology of visual contexts (Cook, 2006; Mayer 2001) within the domain of Coastal Engineering, images and texts are manipulated and grouped together following a frame-like structure, where a specific syntactic realization of a Frame Element (FE), within a given frame, is explicitly associated to an image (or part of it). As a result, we will have information about the syntactic contexts in which the term occurs, and the semantic properties of the key word’s syntactic companions, together with information about the membership of the term in classes of semantically similar words (Atkins, Fillmore and Johnson, 2003).