Chapter 2
Investigating legal concepts, language and the law
Article outline
- 2.1Introduction
- 2.2Researching specialized languages
- 2.2.1Legal scholars and the study of language
- 2.3The dichotomy between specialized and general language: The fiction of legal language
- 2.4What language and the law have in common
- 2.5Legal concepts
- 2.5.1Types of legal concepts
- and indeterminacy of legal concepts
- 2.5.2Determinate and indeterminate legal concepts
- law vs. common law
- of indeterminate legal concepts: Is an airplane a vehicle?
- 2.5.3Coping with indeterminate legal concepts in practice
- 2.6Polysemous legal terms
- 2.6.1Implications of the cognitive shift for resolving polysemy
- 2.6.2Polysemy in the EU context
- 2.7Summary