Chapter 6
Processing methods for the detection of variants from corpora
Article outline
6.1Linguistic-based methods
- 6.1.1Morphological analysis
- 6.1.2Syntagmatic and paradigmatic analysis
- 6.1.3Syntactic analysis
- 6.1.4Distributional analysis
- 6.2Algorithms on strings
- 6.2.1Distance computed from common substrings
- 6.2.2Edit distances
6.3Statistical methods
6.4Typology of variant occurrences
- 6.4.1Isolated variant occurrences
6.4.2Inter-mixed term and variant occurrences
- Morphological integration
- Lexical integration
- Morphological and lexical integration
- 6.4.3Separated term and variant occurrences
6.5Relationship between processing methods and types of occurrences