Part of
Switch Reference 2.0
Edited by Rik van Gijn and Jeremy Hammond
[Typological Studies in Language 114] 2016
► pp. 377424
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Cited by six other publications

Martin, Jack B.
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2020. Possessive and non-identity relations in Turkic switch-reference. Studies in Language 44:3  pp. 606 ff. DOI logo
Bárány, András & Irina Nikolaeva
2021. On Adjoined Possessors. Linguistic Inquiry 52:1  pp. 181 ff. DOI logo
Tyler, Matthew
2019. Absolutive Promotion and the Condition on Clitic Hosts in Choctaw. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 37:3  pp. 1145 ff. DOI logo
Tyler, Matthew
2021. Two Kinds of External Possession in Mississippi Choctaw. Syntax 24:1  pp. 78 ff. DOI logo
Munro, Pamela
2017. Chickasaw Quantifiers. In Handbook of Quantifiers in Natural Language: Volume II [Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy, 97],  pp. 113 ff. DOI logo

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