Chapter 3
Noun-modifying constructions in Korean
We survey clausal noun-modification examples in Korean, initially setting out constructions into these types: argument and adjunct NMCCs, content noun NMCCs, and a group of other extended NMCCs. We show that the range of interpretations of NMCCs in Korean is not quite as broad as Japanese, but nevertheless we argue that the wide variety of interpretations in Korean motivates the claim that it has a GNMCC. We also argue, based on observed constraints on movement, that the Korean argument and adjunct NMCCs constitute an RC construction. We propose that there is no conflict in a language having both a syntactically identifiable RC construction as well as a GNMCC.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Forms and functions of NMCCs
- 2.1Overview of morphology
- 2.2Relative clauses: Basic patterns
- 2.3Noun complement clauses
- 2.4Other complement-like clauses
2.4.1Perception noun complements
2.4.2Arguments of relational nouns
- 2.5Obliquely related modifying clauses
- 2.6Modifying clauses with multiple nominative sources
3.Limits of NMCCs
- 3.1Extended relativization examples
- 3.2Consequential calculation
- 3.3Limits on apparent relative clauses
4.Island effects in relative clauses
- 5.Conclusion
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