Chapter 18
The essive-translative in the Enets languages
This chapter presents an empirical study of the distribution of a marker referred to as the ‘essive-translative’ in the Enets languages. The description of the properties of this marker follows the linguistic questionnaire that captures the contexts in which essive and/or translative markers may occur in the Uralic languages. The study specifically investigates the opposition between permanent and impermanent state in non-verbal predications. The linguistic domains involved are non-verbal main predication, secondary predication, complementation, and manner, temporal, and circumstantial adverbial phrases. The use of the marker in the essive sense (associated with state) is contrasted with its use in expressing the translative sense (associated with change). Finally, the syntactic position of elements marked by this form is discussed in relation to the position of focus constituents.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 1.1The case system of Forest and Tundra Enets
- 1.2Case and full nouns
- 1.3Case and personal pronouns
- 1.4The place of the essive-translative in Enets morphology
- 1.5Why essive-translative?
2.Non-verbal predicates
- 3.Secondary predicates – secondary predication
4.Predicative complements
- 5.Adverbials
6.Temporality and location
- 7.Comparative and simile expressions
8.Essive versus translative
- 9.Word order and focus
9.1Word order in translative-resultative constructions with a verb of movement
9.2Word order and focus in non-constructional instances
- 10.Other remarks
10.1Other use of the essive-translative
- 10.2A conceptual difference – adverbs and the essive-translative in Tundra Enets
- 10.3The origin of the essive-translative
- 11.Conclusion
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Cited by (1)
Cited by one other publication
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Siberica et Uralica,
► pp. 335 ff.
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