An exploration of poetological manipulation on Howard Goldblatt’s translation of Mo Yan’s Life and Death Are
Wearing Me Out
Drawing on André Lefevere’s rewriting theory, this paper explores how Howard Goldblatt translates Mo Yan’s novel
Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out (hereafter referred to as L&D) with regard to
poetological manipulation. The paper analyses in detail how the translator rewrites the novel’s poetological features, including
its unique linguistic, stylistic and narrative features, to produce a translation which is accessible to the intended audience. On
the basis of this analysis, the paper identifies three characteristics of Goldblatt’s poetological rewriting: (1) macro-stylistic
consistency with the source text, i.e. overall stylistic conformity to the original work; (2) simplification principle; (3)
typical features of authentic English writing. The analysis reveals poetological manipulation in the translation process, from
which we infer that rewriting in favour of the target poetological currents is the best way to achieve reader acceptance.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Theoretical lens
- 3.Method
- 4.Goldblatt’s rewriting under the manipulation of poetics
- 4.1The linguistic features
- 4.1.1Deviated lexical collocation
- 4.1.2Deviated metaphorical use
- 4.1.3Deviated simile
- 4.2Stylistic features
- 4.2.1Four-character idioms
- 4.2.2Colloquial and dialect
- 4.2.3Appellations
- 4.2.4Folk adages
- 4.3The narrative features
- 5.Discussion of Goldblatt’s poetological rewriting
- 5.1The macro-stylistic consistency with the source text
- 5.2Simplification principle
- 5.3Typical features of authentic English writing
- 6.Conclusion
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