Translanguaging to enhance reading comprehension among first-year medical students
An empirical corroboration
Since the turn of the century there has been an increase in the use of translanguaging in multilingual learning
contexts. Many researchers have shown how translanguaging enhances multilingual students’ ability to understand academic content.
This experimental study provides empirical evidence that translanguaging can enhance reading comprehension. An experimental group
and a control group were used to establish whether there was a significant difference between the performances of the two groups
after reading an academic text. Using the t-test analysis, the results show a significant difference in the performance of the
control group and the experimental group. These findings prompt us to conclude that translanguaging is an effective strategy that
enhances reading comprehension.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Theoretical framework
- 2.1Translanguaging
- 2.2Critical post-structural paradigm
- 2.3Collaborative learning through dialogue to enhance reading comprehension
- 3.The use of translanguaging: The South African context
- 4.Methodology
- 4.1Research context
- 4.2Participants
- 4.3Data collection
- 5.Results
- 6.Discussion
- 7.Conclusion
- Acknowledgements
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