Fouten In Het Nederlands Van Marokkanen, Theoretische Implicaties En Practische Remedies.
This article reports on the first results of an investigation into the errors in Dutch as a 2nd language of Moroccans in Holland. Two competing models (Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis and Creative Construction Hypothesis) to explain second language acquisition are briefly described to demonstrate their implications for FL teaching as to the selection and ordening of FL syntax and especially the way errors are dealt with. One of the implications of the CAH is that the necessity of integrating the results of a contrastive analysis of source and target language will positively correlate with their typological distance. Consequently, it is highly important for the teaching of Dutch as a second language to Moroccans to choose between these two theoretical positions especially as regards the analysis and remedy of errors. To collect empirical data relevant to this theoretical controversy, an investigation was set up to determine the nature and origin of errors of Moroccan Dutch L2 speakers. Subjects were taken from four age groups to gather evidence on the persistence of certain errors, accounting for fossilisation phenomena.
Article language: Dutch