Werken Aan Schooltaalwoordenschat
Het Posterproject Uitgebreid met Aspecten van de Aanpak van kinsella
Though knowledge of academic vocabulary is fundamental to understanding textbooks and teachers' instruction, this is often underdeveloped in multilingual students. 'Het Posterproject' is a method for teaching receptive knowledge of academic language in primary and secondary education. The method is in some respects imperfect. Firstly, the way in which to explain a new word it is to a great extend left to the teacher, making possible large differences in quality. Secondly, there are limited opportunities for students to actively process the new words. These features are strongly developed in Kinsella's approach to word teaching. This approach was implemented in 'Het Posterproject' teaching materials. This study investigates the learning gain from the extension, also looking at several possibly confounding variables. A further more reliable study will be necessary to confirm the inconclusive but promising results.
Article language: Dutch