This paper forms a bridge between the article on noun phrase patterning by Ravid et al. 2002 and that on passive voice constructions by Jisa et al. 2002. The study reports on a cross-linguistic, developmental study of verbal structures and verb types used in two genres of written discourse: personal narratives and expository texts. The study is aimed at (a) establishing the profile of linguistic features that characterize and differentiate these two genres; (b) identifying the developmental changes beyond middle childhood that lead to the proficient use of a full repertoire of verbal structures in the construction of both types of text; and (c) providing fresh empirical evidence for cross-linguistic similarities and differences in the linguistic devices used for Genre differentiation. The paper begins to address these issues by considering quantitative aspects of Genre differentiation in four age-groups (grade-school children, junior high school, high school, and adults) and in five languages (Dutch, French, Hebrew, Icelandic, and Spanish). We expected narratives and expository texts to be characterized by contrasting distribution of the categories that we analysed — verb tense, aspect, mood, voice, and person — across the age-groups and languages under study. To test this prediction, all verbs in our sample were analysed using common coding procedures in all five languages, followed by a statistical analysis of the frequency distribution of each coded category (as our dependent variables) across Age and Genre in each of the languages.
Syal, Samira, Marcia Davis, Xiaodong Zhang, Jason Schoeneberger, Samantha Spinney, Douglas J. Mac Iver & Martha Mac Iver
2024. A Person-Centered Approach to Understanding Adolescents’ Reading Motivation and Its Relation to Reading Outcomes. Reading Psychology 45:1 ► pp. 31 ff.
2022. Between Varieties and Modalities in the Production of Narrative Texts in Arabic. In Handbook of Literacy in Diglossia and in Dialectal Contexts [Literacy Studies, 22], ► pp. 247 ff.
Syal, Samira & John L. Nietfeld
2022. Is situational interest a metacognitive risk? An examination of contextual factors in classroom settings. Contemporary Educational Psychology 71 ► pp. 102109 ff.
2021. Methodological Issues in Literacy Research Across Languages: Evidence From Alphabetic Orthographies. Reading Research Quarterly 56:S1
Deane, Paul, Swapna Somasundaran, René R. Lawless, Hilary Persky & Colleen Appel
2019. The Key Practice, Building and Sharing Stories and Social Understandings: The Intrinsic Value of Narrative. ETS Research Report Series 2019:1 ► pp. 1 ff.
2016. Linguistic Literacy and Later Language Development. In Written and Spoken Language Development across the Lifespan [Literacy Studies, 11], ► pp. 181 ff.
Nir, Bracha & Irit Katzenberger
2016. Categories of Referential Content in Expository Discussions of Conflict. In Written and Spoken Language Development across the Lifespan [Literacy Studies, 11], ► pp. 271 ff.
2012. Temporal reference marking in narrative and expository text written by deaf children and adults: A bimodal bilingual perspective. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 15:1 ► pp. 128 ff.
van Beijsterveldt, Liesbeth Maria & Janet van Hell
2010. Lexical noun phrases in texts written by deaf children and adults with different proficiency levels in sign language. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 13:4 ► pp. 439 ff.
van Hell, Janet G., Ludo Verhoeven & Liesbeth M. van Beijsterveldt
2008. Pause Time Patterns in Writing Narrative and Expository Texts by Children and Adults. Discourse Processes 45:4-5 ► pp. 406 ff.
Berman, Ruth A. & Bracha Nir-sagiv
2007. Comparing Narrative and Expository Text Construction Across Adolescence: A Developmental Paradox. Discourse Processes 43:2 ► pp. 79 ff.
Berman, Ruth A. & Bracha Nir-sagiv
2007. Comparing Narrative and Expository Text Construction Across Adolescence: A Developmental Paradox. Discourse Processes 43:2 ► pp. 79 ff.
2005. Introduction: Developing discourse stance in different text types and languages. Journal of Pragmatics 37:2 ► pp. 105 ff.
2005. Verbal and nominal expressions in narrating conflict situations in Hebrew. Journal of Pragmatics 37:2 ► pp. 157 ff.
Ravid, Dorit
2005. Emergence of Linguistic Complexity in Later Language Development: Evidence from Expository Text Construction. In Perspectives on Language and Language Development, ► pp. 337 ff.
2005. Acquiring perspective in English: the development of stance. Journal of Pragmatics 37:2 ► pp. 185 ff.
2005. The effect of literacy, text type, and modality on the use of grammatical means for agency alternation in Spanish. Journal of Pragmatics 37:2 ► pp. 209 ff.
Tolchinsky, Liliana, Elisa Rosado, Melina Aparici & Joan Perera
2005. Becoming Proficient Educated Users of Language. In Perspectives on Language and Language Development, ► pp. 375 ff.
Berman, Ruth A. & Irit Katzenberger
2004. Form and Function in Introducing Narrative and Expository Texts: A Developmental Perspective. Discourse Processes 38:1 ► pp. 57 ff.
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 15 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.