
Further reading on free indirect speech

Baker, Mona and Maeve Olohan
Reporting that in translated English. Evidence for subconsious processes of explicitation?”. Across Languages and Cultures: A Multidisciplinary Journal for Translation and Interpreting Studies. 1.2.
Banfield, Ann
1973 “Narrative Style and the Grammar of Direct and Indirect Speech”. Foundations of Language. 10. 1: 1–39.Google Scholar
Cohn, D.
1978Transparent Minds: Narrative Modes for Presenting Consciousness in Fiction. Princeton: Princeton U.P.Google Scholar
Levenston, E. A. and G. Sonnenschein
1986 “The Translation of Point-of-View in Fictional Narrative”, In Juliane House and Shoshana Blum-Kulka (eds.). Interlingual and Intercultural Communication: Discourses and Cognition in Translation and Second Language Acquisition Studies. Tubingen.Google Scholar
McHale, B.
1978 “Free Indirect Discourse: A Survey of Recent Accounts”. In PTL, 3, 2: 249–87.Google Scholar
Plénat, Marc
1979 « Sur la grammaire du style indirect libre », In Cahier de grammaire, Toulouse, Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail, t. 1: 95–140.Google Scholar