Dizionario di Mitologia Egizia. Volumes 1–3
Reprint of the edition Torino, 1881–1888
For this re-edition the original text has been corrected, augmented, and updated by Dr. Mario TOSI (Soprintendenza per la Antichità Egizie, Torino). The reprint has been accomplished by the publication of a new 4th volume, thusfar unpublished.
Volume 4: From a thusfar unpublished manuscript of Lanzone, kept in the Egyptian Museum of Florence, edited and enlarged with a complete Index to the 4 volumes, and a biography of Lanzone by Dr. Mario TOSI.
[Not in series, 3] 1974. 1312 pp., 408 tabs., autogr., large 8-vo.
Publishing status: Available | Language: Italian
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Literature & Literary Studies
Main BIC Subject
DSB: Literary studies: general
Main BISAC Subject