Why We Curse

A neuro-psycho-social theory of speech

ORCID logo | Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, North Adams, Massachusetts
ISBN 9789027221865 (Eur) | EUR 39.00
ISBN 9781556197581 (USA) | USD 35.00
ISBN 9789027298485 | EUR 39.00 | USD 35.00
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Psychiatrists, psychologists, neurologists, linguists and speech pathologists currently have no coherent theory to explain why we curse and why we choose the words we do when we curse. The Neuro-Psycho-Social Theory of Speech draws together information about cursing from different disciplines and unites them to explain and describe the psychological, neurological, cultural and linguistic factors that underlie this startling phenomenon.
Why We Curse is divided into five parts. Part 1 introduces the dimensions and scope of cursing and outlines the NPS Theory, while Part 2 covers neurological variables and offers evidence for right brain dominance during emotional speech events. Part 3 then focuses on psychological development including language acquisition, personality development, cognition and so forth, while Part 4 covers the wide variety of social and cultural forces that define curse words and restrict their usage. Finally, Part 5 concludes by examining the social and legal implications of cursing, treating misconceptions about cursing, and setting the agenda for future research.
The work draws on new research by Dr. Jay and others and continues the research reported in his groundbreaking 1992 volume Cursing in America. A psycholinguistic study of dirty language in the courts, in the movies, in the schoolyards and on the streets.
[Not in series, 91] 2000.  xv, 328 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 21 October 2008
Table of Contents
“[...] a book which will do much to inspire further investigations into emotional uses and effects of language [...]”
“[...] this is an excellent contribution to the study of offensive language, bringing together a variety of perspectives and a vast amount of research.”
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2016. On the functions of swearing in Persian. Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict 4:2  pp. 234 ff. DOI logo
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Jay, Kristin L. & Timothy B. Jay
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Johnson, Danette Ifert
2012. Swearing by Peers in the Work Setting: Expectancy Violation Valence, Perceptions of Message, and Perceptions of Speaker. Communication Studies 63:2  pp. 136 ff. DOI logo
Stone, Teresa, Margaret McMillan, Michael Hazelton & Edward H. Clayton
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Stone, Teresa & Lyn Francis
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