The BBI Dictionary of English Word Combinations

Revised edition

HardboundReplaced by new edition
ISBN 9789027221667 (Eur)
ISBN 9781556195204 (USA)
PaperbackReplaced by new edition
ISBN 9789027221674 (Eur)
ISBN 9781556195211 (USA)

Speak and write perfect English!

  • The BBI Dictionary of English Word Combinations tells you which words go together in English and which words do not.
  • The BBI will help you master the difficulties of common but unpredictable English phrases and word combinations.
  • The BBI shows key differences between American and British English.
  • The BBI helps you decide about word combinations that are on the tip of your tongue.
  • The BBI gives more grammatical information than any other existing dictionary in easy steps.
  • Get the BBI Workbook to teach yourself.
  • The BBI has proved its value to hundreds of thousands of users.
  • The BBI 2nd revised edition is made fully up to date with modern British and American usage, and now includes 20% more information.
  • The BBI is a source of inspiration and will be your mentor and guide for speaking and writing perfect English.
This revised edition of the BBI Combinatory Dictionary of English, is an expanded and updated version of the First Edition (1986) and its New Printing (1993), both of which were very favorably received. In this new edition, the contents of the BBI have been increased by over 20%.

In selecting new material, the authors have made use of a variety of sources, such as:

  1. comments and suggestions from over fifty reviews published in journals throughout the world;
  2. additions to the bilingual editions of the BBI, specifically the Maruzen edition (Tokyo, 1993) and the Longman Dictionary of English Collocations (Hong Kong, 1995);
  3. comments and suggestions from users of the BBI.

[Not in series, BBI 1 (2nd)] 1997.  xl, 386 pp.
Publishing status: Obsolete
Table of Contents
“This dictionary is a must-have for learners of English as a foreign language. It also will be a plus for the library reference collection in order to serve a diversified user group.”
Cited by (70)

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2018. The Lexical Approach in Action: Evidence of Collocational Accuracy and the Idiom Principle in the Writing of EFL Intermediate Students. SSRN Electronic Journal DOI logo
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2017. Processing and learning of enhanced English collocations: An eye movement study. Language Teaching Research 21:3  pp. 403 ff. DOI logo
Nguyen, Thi My Hang & Stuart Webb
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Gheisari, Nouzar, Nouroldin Yousofi & Magdalena Mok
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Gyllstad, Henrik & Brent Wolter
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Minaabad, Malahat Shabani
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Wu, Shaoqun, Liang Li, Ian H. Witten & Alex Yu
2016. Constructing a Collocation Learning System from the Wikipedia Corpus. International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching 6:3  pp. 18 ff. DOI logo
Wu, Shaoqun, Liang Li, Ian H. Witten & Alex Yu
2019. Constructing a Collocation Learning System From the Wikipedia Corpus. In Computer-Assisted Language Learning,  pp. 1018 ff. DOI logo
Rezaee, Abbas Ali, Hamideh Marefat & Afsaneh Saeedakhtar
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Shraideh, KhetammW.. & Radwan S. Mahadin
2015. Difficulties and Strategies in Translating Collocations in BBC Political Texts. SSRN Electronic Journal DOI logo
Zheng, Haicui
2015. An Empirical Study of Translation Errors. Theory and Practice in Language Studies 5:4  pp. 883 ff. DOI logo
De Rycker, Antoon
2014. Encouraging Collocational and Colligational Fluency: Pedagogical Chunking, Word and Verb Mapping, Pause Reading and Other Strategies. Journal for Interdisciplinary Research in Education (JIRE) 4:1 DOI logo
Esimaje, Alexandra Uzoaku
2014. A Descriptive Survey of the Character of English Lexis in Sermons. Sage Open 4:4 DOI logo
Gyllstad, Henrik
2014. Grammatical Collocation. In The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Peters, Elke
2014. The effects of repetition and time of post-test administration on EFL learners’ form recall of single words and collocations. Language Teaching Research 18:1  pp. 75 ff. DOI logo
Peters, Elke
2016. The learning burden of collocations: The role of interlexical and intralexical factors. Language Teaching Research 20:1  pp. 113 ff. DOI logo
Phoocharoensil, Supakorn
2014. Exploring Learners’ Developing L2 Collocational Competence. Theory and Practice in Language Studies 4:12 DOI logo
Szudarski, Paweł, Kathy Conklin, Lia Plakans & Lawrence Jun Zhang
2014. Short- and Long-Term Effects of Rote Rehearsal on ESL Learners' Processing of L2 Collocations. TESOL Quarterly 48:4  pp. 833 ff. DOI logo
Jafarpour, Ali Akbar, Mahmood Hashemian & Sepideh Alipour
2013. A Corpus-based Approach toward Teaching Collocation of Synonyms. Theory and Practice in Language Studies 3:1 DOI logo
Barfield, Andy
2012. Lexical Collocations. In The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, DOI logo
Burstein, Jill, Jane Shore, John Sabatini, Brad Moulder, Steven Holtzman & Ted Pedersen
Hirci, Nataša
2012. Electronic Reference Resources for Translators. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 6:2  pp. 219 ff. DOI logo
Noor, Noorzan Mohd & Shazila Abdullah
2012. 2012 IEEE Colloquium on Humanities, Science and Engineering (CHUSER),  pp. 198 ff. DOI logo
de Gregorio-Godeo, Eduardo & Silvia Molina
2011. Collocations and the translation of news: an English–Spanish electronic dictionary of multi-word combinations as a translation tool. Perspectives 19:2  pp. 135 ff. DOI logo
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2011. Verb‐Noun Collocations in Second Language Writing: A Corpus Analysis of Learners’ English. Language Learning 61:2  pp. 647 ff. DOI logo
2011. A Corpus‐Based Study of the Linguistic Features and Processes Which Influence the Way Collocations Are Formed: Some Implications for the Learning of Collocations. TESOL Quarterly 45:2  pp. 291 ff. DOI logo
Futagi, Yoko
2010. Proceedings of the fourth workshop on Analytics for noisy unstructured text data,  pp. 27 ff. DOI logo
2010. Going Beyond Patterns: Involving Cognitive Analysis in the Learning of Collocations. TESOL Quarterly 44:1  pp. 4 ff. DOI logo
Lareo, Inés
2009. Make-Collocations in Nineteenth-Century Scientific English1. Studia Neophilologica 81:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Futagi, Yoko, Paul Deane, Martin Chodorow & Joel Tetreault
2008. A computational approach to detecting collocation errors in the writing of non-native speakers of English. Computer Assisted Language Learning 21:4  pp. 353 ff. DOI logo
Mayaffre, Damon
2008. De l’occurrence à l’isotopie. Syntaxe & Sémantique N° 9:1  pp. 53 ff. DOI logo
Siyanova, Anna & Norbert Schmitt
2008. L2 Learner Production and Processing of Collocation: A Multi-study Perspective. The Canadian Modern Language Review 64:3  pp. 429 ff. DOI logo
Keshavarz, Mohammad Hossein & Hossein Salimi
2007. Collocational competence and cloze test performance: a study of Iranian EFL learners. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 17:1  pp. 81 ff. DOI logo
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2007. The Verbshaveandtakein Composite Predicates and Phrasal Verbs. Studia Neophilologica 79:2  pp. 159 ff. DOI logo
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2007. Approche onomasiologique de la langue scientifique générale. Revue française de linguistique appliquée Vol. XII:2  pp. 79 ff. DOI logo
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2005. Sentential Context and the Interpretation of Familiar Open-Compounds and Novel Modifier-Noun Phrases. Language and Speech 48:2  pp. 203 ff. DOI logo
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This list is based on CrossRef data as of 30 september 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.


Terminology & Lexicography


Translation & Interpreting Studies

Translation Studies

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CFP: Translation & interpretation

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LAN023000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Translating & Interpreting
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U.S. Library of Congress Control Number:  97034474 | Marc record