Chapter 9
Rationale and design of a study of foreign-accented academic
This chapter explores the intersection of English
Medium Instruction (EMI) and Foreign-Accented Speech (FAS),
particularly in French higher education, while outlining the
developmental phases of the nascent IP-CAFES research project.
Pertinent research into cognitive load, accentedness, and prosody is
summarised before we describe the creation of a specialised corpus
and an experimental protocol using content from that corpus.
Pedagogical implications are also addressed, for both speaker and
listener training.
Article outline
- Introduction
- Context
- European EMI: Speakers and listeners
- Complex learning, cognitive load, and accentedness
- Prosody and comprehensibility
- Language transfer and its impact
- IP-CAFES project
- Research questions and hypotheses
- Collecting the corpus recordings
- Selecting and creating the stimuli
- Creating and administering the perception tests
- Using qualitative and quantitative data
- Pedagogical implications
- Course content and format
- Speaker training
- Listener training
- Conclusion