In this contribution it is argued that Dynamic Systems Theory (DST) can be seen as a comprehensive theory that can unify and make relevant a number of different ‘middle level’ theories on Second Language Acquisition (SLA) which in our view are theories that attend to different levels of granularity and different time scales, provided of course that the middle level theories are commensurable with DST principles. Such theories, such as ecological and cultural-historical/sociocultural approaches to development, and cognitive, emergent, and distributed theories of language, place language development in the wider perspective of societal change and interaction with cultural and material aspects of the environment.
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2024. Usage-Based Linguistics. In Usage-Based Second Language Instruction, ► pp. 145 ff.
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Wang, Feifei, Alan C.K. Cheung & Ching Sing Chai
2024. Language learning development in human-AI interaction: A thematic review of the research landscape. System 125 ► pp. 103424 ff.
Han, ZhaoHong, Eun Young Kang & Sarah Sok
2023. The complexity epistemology and ontology in second language acquisition: A critical review. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 45:5 ► pp. 1388 ff.
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2022. Proficiency development and smartphone usage in study abroad: Microgenetic longitudinal case studies of French learners. Foreign Language Annals 55:2 ► pp. 455 ff.
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2021. Complex Dynamic System Theory and Applied Linguistics. In Complexity, Emergence, and Causality in Applied Linguistics, ► pp. 373 ff.
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2014. Another Look at Temporal Variation in Language Learning Motivation: Results of a Study. In Essential Topics in Applied Linguistics and Multilingualism [Second Language Learning and Teaching, ], ► pp. 89 ff.
2014. Second Language Developmental Dynamics: How Dynamic Systems Theory Accounts for Issues in Second Language Learning. The Australian Educational and Developmental Psychologist 31:1 ► pp. 66 ff.
2014. An Ecological View of Whole‐Class Discussions in a Second Language Literature Classroom: Teacher Reformulations as Affordances for Learning. The Modern Language Journal 98:3 ► pp. 724 ff.
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2014. An Ecological View of Whole-Class Discussions in a Second Language Literature Classroom: Teacher Reformulations as Affordances for Learning. The Modern Language Journal 98:3 ► pp. 724 ff.
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 10 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
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