In this chapter we argue that certain salient contrasts that Frederick Wiseman presents non-verbally and multimodally in his Direct Cinema documentaries can be understood as antitheses that play an argumentative role. In this type of documentary, which renounces the use of voice-over narration and music, a filmmaker has to rely on cinematography and editing in combination with participants’ spoken language to guide viewers’ interpretations. We argue that the ways in which certain sequences and shots are filmed and edited as well as the way dialogue, image, and sound combine within the shot create multimodal meanings that can be accounted for in terms of antithesis and can thereby contribute to the argument developed by the filmmaker. We focus on instances of visual and multimodal antithesis in five of Wiseman’s early films (Titicut Follies, High School, Hospital, Juvenile Court, and Primate) and one later film (Zoo).
Article outline
2.Antithesis in language and film
3.The argumentative relevance of antithesis
4.Documentary film as multimodal argumentation
5.Visual and multimodal antithesis in Frederick Wiseman’s documentaries
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List of films
King, A. (Director). (1969). A Married couple.
Riggs, M. (Director). (1994). Black is, Black ain’t.
Wiseman, F. (Director). (1967). Titicut Follies.
Wiseman, F. (Director). (1968). High School.
Wiseman, F. (Director). (1969). Hospital.
Wiseman, F. (Director). (1973). Juvenile Court.
Wiseman, F. (Director). (1974). Primate.
Wiseman, F. (Director). (1993). Zoo.
Wright, B. (Director). (1937). Children at School.
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