Social meaning in the perception of neutral tone variation in Putonghua
This study investigates the perception of the variation of neutral tone, a phonetic feature in China’s official
language, Putonghua. Specifically, I explore whether native listeners perceive social meanings such as
standardness, regional-ness, status and/or solidarity presumably associated with the low-use, standard use, and high-use of
neutral tone, and how gender influences the perception of these meanings. Based on the results of a matched-guise test, I argue
that the high use of neutral tone, through its link with Beijing dialect, is possibly competing with the standard, though the
latter maintains a higher level of positive meanings. I also note that the low use of neutral tone – associated with Southern
China and non-Mandarin varieties – carries more negative meanings. The overall gender differences show that gender prejudice
towards women still exists in China. This study enriches our understanding of sociolinguistics in China and calls for more
research on language variation in China.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 1.1Social meaning
- 1.2Language standardness and language attitudes studies
- 1.3Social meaning and gender
- 2.Linguistic and social background
- 2.1Regional Putonghua: Non-standard varieties of standard Chinese
- 2.2Tones and neutral tone
- 2.3Neutral tone variation in regional Putonghua
- 2.4Gender (in)equality in China
- 3.Methodology
- 3.1Stimuli
- 3.2Questions
- 3.3Listeners
- 3.4Procedure
- 4.Results
- 4.1Standardness
- 4.2Perceived accent
- 4.3Status
- 4.4Solidarity
- 4.5Occupational suitability
- 5.Discussion
- 5.1Standardness and perceived accent
- 5.2Status and solidarity
- 5.3Occupational suitability
- 6.Conclusion
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
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