Most bilingualism and translanguaging studies focus on spoken language; less is known about how people use two or
more ways of signing. Here, I take steps towards redressing this imbalance, presenting a case study of signed language in Port
Moresby, Papua New Guinea. The study’s methodology is participant observation and analysis of conversational recordings between
deaf signers. The Port Moresby deaf community uses two ways of signing: sign language and culture. sign
language is around 30 years old, and its lexicon is drawn largely from Australasian Signed English. In contrast,
culture – which is as old as each individual user – is characterised by signs of local origin, abundant depiction,
and considerable individual variation. Despite sign language’s young age, its users have innovated a metalinguistic sign
(switch-caps) to describe switching between ways of communicating. To conclude, I discuss how the Port Moresby situation
challenges both the bilingualism and translanguaging approaches.
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