(h) in Marshallese English
This paper explores the sociolinguistic patterning of glottal choices in the English spoken in the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI), a variety that variationist research has thus far eschewed. The analysis suggests that the schooling background of the speaker is the most crucial determinant for both /h/-dropping and /h/-insertion. These findings are not surprising given the dramatic social inequalities regarding access to educational opportunities that characterise the RMI. The locally-specific contact situation, in conjunction with the constraints on /h/-insertion, suggest that the English spoken in the Marshall Islands is typologically distinct from the Southern British dialect root described for other parts of the Pacific by
Schreier (2019).
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Language contact in the Republic of the Marshall Islands
- 3.Fieldwork strategy
- 4.The realisation of (h) and coding procedure
- 5.H-dropping in Marshallese English
- 6.Glottal insertion in Marshallese English
- 7.Discussion and conclusion
- Acknowledgments
- Notes
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