Intervocalic voicing of Hungarian /h/
In this study, we investigated whether the amount of voicing, and the sound quality (expressed in HNR) of /h/ in syllable onset
are affected by intervocalic context (vs. post-pausal context), by backness and openness of the flanking vowels, and by a
phonological conditioner, pitch-accent. We showed that both measures were similarly high in all intervocalic positions
(irrespective of the presence of word-boundary and pitch-accent), while after a pause they were substantially lower, meaning
that /h/ was voiced, and more modally voiced intervocalically, than after a pause. Further, interaction of this effect with
that of vowel features led us to conclude that open, close, back, and front vowel groups should be considered internally
heterogeneous with respect to their effect on /h/ voicing.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 1.1Background
- 1.2Aims
- 1.3The acoustics of breathy voice, and acoustic parameters that quantify voice quality in fricatives
- 2.Methods
- 2.1Participants
- 2.2Material
- 2.3Measurements
- 2.3.1Estimation of the voiced part
- 2.3.2Acoustic measure of signal characteristics
- 2.3.3Statistical analyses
- 3.Results
- 4.Discussion and conclusions
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