Linguistics in the Netherlands 2012

Marion Elenbaas | Leiden University
ORCID logoSuzanne Aalberse | Radboud University Nijmegen
ISBN 9789027231727 | EUR 118.00 | USD 177.00
| EUR 0.00
The 43rd annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of the Netherlands took place in Utrecht on February 4th, 2012. The annual meetings provide members with the opportunity to report on their ongoing research.

At this year's meeting, 67 papers were presented, of which 22 were submitted to the present volume. This volume contains a selection of these papers, which present an overview of current research in a variety of fields in linguistics.

[Linguistics in the Netherlands, 29] 2012.  v, 158 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 2 November 2012

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Table of Contents
Is the Dutch Delay of Principle B Effect dependent on verb type?
Saskia van den Akker, John Hoeks, Jennifer K. Spenader and Petra Hendriks
A first glance at the role of length in production and perception of diphthongs before Dutch coda l
Janine Berns and Haike Jacobs
Deaccentuation in Dutch as a second language: Where does the accent go to?
Johanneke Caspers, Evelyn Bosma, Frida Kramm and Polona Reya
Neuter gender in a sexless language: The case of Zulu
Merijn de Dreu and Leston Buell
Can speech pitch perception be measured language-independently?
Willemijn Heeren, Andrei A. Avram, Anna Cardinaletti, Martine Coene and Francesca Volpato
Obviation properties of the d-pronoun in Dutch
Jacqueline van Kampen
V-stranding ellipsis and verbal identity: The role of polarity focus
Anikó Lipták
Subject interpretation of object questions by Dutch 5-year-olds: The role of number agreement in comprehension
Marijke Metz, Angeliek van Hout and Heather van der Lely
The 12321 model of Dutch spelling acquisition
Anneke Neijt, M. Peters and Johan Zuidema
Thinking in the right direction: An ellipsis analysis of right-dislocation
Dennis Ott and Mark de Vries
Against a minimal–augmented analysis of number
Kees de Schepper
Easy to (re)analyse: Tough-constructions in minimalism
Jan-Wouter Zwart

Main BIC Subject

CF: Linguistics

Main BISAC Subject

LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General