Uso de corpus monolingües comparables para la traducción al francés de unidades de núcleo verbal procedentes de la
sección económico-financiera del diario El País
This work is based on the development of two comparable monolingual corpus works in Spanish and French, made up of articles from
the electronic versions of two daily newspapers, El País and Le Monde (from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2011).
First, based on articles published in economic and financial section of El País, we identify terminological and phraseological
units which include the word “crisis,” which we take as the verbal core of the main lexical structure of the corpus in
Second, we focus on the articles in the corpus in French, finding equivalents for these units. The study reveals three possible
situations: Le Monde provides clear equivalents in context; it proposes unclear equivalent words in context; or it doesn’t provide
any equivalents, which means translators must start from scratch.
The main research interest is the range of proposed translations that are presented around a ubiquitous term in today’s press,
which might be useful for both translators and translation students.
Also noteworthy: the use of a monolingual corpus composed of original texts for finding translation equivalents, as opposed to
translated texts more frequently found in traditional translation-oriented analysis.
Article outline
- 1.Preliminares
- 2.Metodología
- 2.1Criterios de diseño de los corpus
- 2.2Pasos seguidos
- 2.2.1A partir del corpus monolingüe en español
- 2.2.2A partir de los diccionarios bilingües ES-FR (Larousse, Wordreference y Reverso) consultados en línea
- 2.2.3A partir del corpus monolingüe en francés
- 3.Resultados y discusión
- 3.1Unidades de núcleo verbal y estructuras léxicas identificadas
- 3.2Unidades de núcleo verbal con equivalentes en contexto en el diario Le Monde
- 3.2.1Equivalentes transparentes en contexto
- 3.2.2Equivalentes no transparentes en contexto
- 3.2.3Unidades de núcleo verbal sin equivalentes en contexto en el diario Le Monde
- 3.2.4Comentarios
- 4.Conclusiones
- Notas
Article language: Spanish