This article analyses the semiotic construction of the
Other in the
peritexts of three Medieval Arabic chronicles from al-Andalus (the Arabic name for the Iberian Peninsula governed by Muslims from 711 to 1492), published under the title
Andalucía contra Berbería by the outstanding Spanish Arabist Emilio García Gómez. Few studies have dealt, from a critical perspective, with the discourse (or discourses) concerning Arabic cultures and societies constructed by European academic Orientalism in general, or by the Spanish Arabism in particular. Assuming that translation, given its hybrid nature, plays a crucial role in the construction of
othering discourses, this article attempts to analyse the
identification and
othering strategies used by García Gómez on the basis of a methodological approach that combines Genette’s notion of
paratext (
1987), the notions of
text, context and pretext proposed by Widdowson (
2004 and
2007) and the “Model of semiotic construction of the Other” developed by Carbonell (
2003 and
2004), all within the general framework of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). The results of this analysis show a significant
othering of Berber and/or African references. This is further reinforced by García Gómez’
identification with al-Andalus, which pivots between his own identification with the medieval authors of the three chronicles, and the parallels he establishes between medieval al-Andalus and the Spain of the first half of the 20th century.