Textäquivalenz in der serbischen Übersetzung von Georg Trakls Spätlyrik
According to functional theories, the translation process is a specific and receiver-dependent action, the Skopos
of which, however, does not always have to correspond to that of the source text. According to functionalism, the communicative
function of a text can be different in the target culture, and the translation should be adapted accordingly to the new Skopos. In
translating, the focus is no longer on equivalence but on the adequacy of the translation, although in the best case equivalence
or consistency of function should be sought. Since this is rarely entirely feasible, the translators themselves should decide in
the course of the translation process which text dimension they would give priority to: semantic (content), syntactic (form) or
pragmatic (meaning). A text grammatical and text semantic analysis of the coherence and isotope in the translation of Georg
Trakl’s poems into Serbian aims to determine which dimension the translator Branimir Živojinović preferred. The study has shown
that he almost completely achieves text equivalence, with few deviations in favour of form, which, however, do not disturb the
coherence of the selected corpus.
Article outline
- 1.Funktion und Skopos, Äquivalenz und Adäquatheit
- 2.Kohärenz und Isotopie
- 3.Georg Trakls lyrisches Schaffen
- 4.Eine textlinguistische Übersetzungsanalyse
- 5.Fazit
- Danksagung
- Anmerkungen
Article language: German