Las metafunciones de Halliday en traducción
Una revisión bibliográfica
This article addresses the contribution of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) to translation and, specifically,
the use of Halliday’s metafunctions in translation studies research. The aim is to provide the state of the art of the main
findings and proposals of these studies regarding the role of metafunctions in translation and translation teaching, thus
evaluating their relevance and applicability in this field. In order to achieve this, six studies were reviewed, three of them
dedicated to metafunctional shifts and three to the use of metafunctions in translation teaching and evaluation. This critical
bibliographic review allowed for the corroboration of the contribution of SFL to the field of translation, and for the deduction
of relevant aspects for future research and teaching proposals. More precisely, the relevance of the incorporation of semantic
metafunctions in translator training and evaluation is confirmed, and the possibility of a distinction between obligatory and
optional metafunctional translation shifts is suggested.
Article outline
- 1.Introducción
- 2.LSF: Conceptos clave y aporte a la traducción
- 3.Metafunciones hallidayanas en traducción: Sus diversos usos en dos tipos de investigaciones
- 3.1Usos del concepto de metafunciones aplicado en giros traductivos
- 3.2Usos del concepto de metafunciones en didáctica y evaluación de traducción
- Discusión
- Conclusiones
- Note
Article language: Spanish