Article published In:
BabelVol. 67:4 (2021) ► pp.460–481
Investigating translation trainees’ self-perceived competence
A process-oriented, collaborative seminar on translation and translation revision
Pushed by the increasing internationalization of education and recent economic dynamics, training programs are
shifting their focus to acquiring competences and know-how through real-life materials to enhance learners’ employability and
access to the work market. Moreover, recent research has called for the implementation of editing/revision content in translation
programs, overcoming the assumed distance between translation and editing/revision professions. In light of social
constructivism and process-oriented pedagogical trends in translation training, an intensive twenty-hour seminar was designed and
piloted in a Master’s degree program in Specialized Translation with the intent of increasing students’ awareness of the
translation process, including translation revision and their sense of perceived competence. Rasch analysis of pre- and post-test
questionnaires detected positive changes in students’ self-perceived proficiency in translation, translation revision, and
editing, with critical implications for the usefulness of process-oriented, realistic approaches integrating both translation and
editing/revision content in translation training programs.
Article outline
- Introduction
- Shifts in translator training approaches
- Foregrounding translation revision
- The Awareness in Editing and Translation seminar
- Materials and method
- Participants
- Instruments
- Statistical model
- Reliability statistics
- Results and discussion
- Conclusions
- Acknowledgements
- Note
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