Article published In:
BabelVol. 68:1 (2022) ► pp.55–85
Environment terms and translation students
A reading based on Frame Semantics
This article reports on a pilot study that aims to shed some light on how translation students construe specialized terms. More specifically, we verified their ability to associate environment terms with specific conceptual situations (as understood by Frame Semantics [
Fillmore 1976;
Fillmore and Baker 2010]). Respondents (27) were asked to complete a questionnaire containing 10 different questions that assessed the association of terms with conceptual situations from different angles. Results show that respondents can associate related terms and link sets of terms to conceptual situations and can make distinctions between the different components of conceptual situations when asked to produce lists of terms or select terms from a predefined list. However, when asked to assess the similarity or difference between specific terms, respondents are less likely to produce the anticipated answer. Our findings suggest that teaching and learning activities inspired by Frame Semantics may be helpful for students to structure their terminological analysis and deal with challenges such as ambiguity and fine semantic distinctions. We hope this can ultimately contribute to helping them make informed, precise and coherent terminological choices.
Article outline
- Frame semantics as a theoretical background
- Setting up the pilot study
- Hypotheses
- Questions for testing hypotheses
- Environment terms and gold standard
- Assessment of questions
- Respondents and recruitment
- Data collection
- Results
- Respondents’ profile
- Can respondents list terms linked to a suggested term? (Questions 1 and 2)
- Can respondents link terms to a situation? (Questions 3, 4, 7, and 10)
- Do respondents perceive similarities or differences between closely related terms? (Questions 5, 6, 8, and 9)
- How did respondents perceive the experience of answering the questions?
- Overview of the results
- Implications for translator training
- Concluding remarks, limitations, and future work
- Acknowledgments
- Notes
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