Automated translation and pragmatic force
A discussion from the perspective of intercultural pragmatics
This article discusses the challenges that the rendering of the pragmatic implications of texts into a target
language posed for human translators and, by extension, for automated translation. It starts by discussing the importance of
pragmatics, focusing on two concepts that have received much attention on the part of pragmaticians as well as translation
scholars, namely implicatures and politeness. It moves to on to present some of the most notable publications on the interface
between pragmatics and machine translation. These illustrate that the interest in the pragmatic value of language has not
succeeded in advancing the integration of pragmatics into automated translation. Drawing on Kesckes and House, the last section
discusses two concepts to be considered regarding the role of pragmatics in intercultural mediation.
Article outline
- Introduction
- The importance of context in the production/interpretation of meaning
- The importance of pragmatics in translation
- Research into pragmatics and automated translation
- Intercultural pragmatics, recontextualization and (automated) translation
- Final remarks
- Note
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