Article published In:
BabelVol. 69:6 (2023) ► pp.725–748
First Secretary Gierek, President Carter, and the president’s Polish interpreter
An analysis of an awkward diplomatic encounter based on new archival evidence
During President Carter’s visit to Warsaw in 1977, his interpreter into Polish, Steven Seymour, allegedly made
major mistakes. American journalists learned of these mistakes from their Polish colleagues and gloated over what they considered
erotic overtones in Seymour’s interpretation. There is much literature on this episode, but no author has yet consulted the actual
interpretation. I was able to obtain an archived audio recording of the entire episode from the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library
and Museum. In this article, I discuss Seymour’s choice of a sentence-by-sentence mode of interpretation and the problems inherent
in that mode, classify his errors and inaccuracies, and attempt to uncover the reasons for the exaggerated criticism from the
media and the interpreting community. Characteristically, the media paid no attention to the solemn, confident performance of
Seymour’s Polish colleague, who interpreted Edward Gierek’s speech into English. The episode is a good testimony to the role of
diplomatic interpreters, whose moment of glory only comes when they make a factual or imaginary mistake.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.The two interpreters and their interpreting modes
- 2.1The long consecutive mode
- 2.2The sentence-by-sentence mode combined with sight translation
- 2.3Seymour’s training and preparation
- 3.Seymour’s version of Carter’s remarks
- 3.1Numbers
- 3.2Interferences from the source text
- 3.3Interferences from Russian
- 3.4Unfortunate lexical choices
- 4.Reaction by the U.S. and Canadian press
- 5.The Epilogue
- 6.Conclusion
- Acknowledgments
- Note
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