Metodología de elaboración de un glosario bilingüe y bidireccional (inglés-español/español-inglés) basado en corpus para la traducción de manuales de instrucciones de televisores
The sources of information that translators may use are extremely varied, ranging from oral consultation with an expert to a search using specialised dictionaries and glossaries. Nowadays, however, one the most relevant documentation activities in the field of Translation involves the use of Internet resources and, closely related to this, the compilation and management of virtual corpora. For this reason, in the present paper we present a systematic methodology for extracting bilingual and bidirectional glossaries (English-Spanish/Spanish-English) based on parallel corpora to translate TV User Manuals. In fact, according to art. 5 of the Council Resolution of 17 December 1998 on operating instructions for technical consumer goods (98/C 411/01) it is essential to control the quality when writing and translating these manuals. In order to illustrate this methodology we focus on corpus design (according to the skopo) and on the compilation protocol (in four steps: searching, downloading, text formatting and saving data) in order to ensure quality. As for the quantity, we check the quantitative representativeness with the ReCor software (cfr. Seghiri 2006: 387). Once the corpus is representative from the qualitative and the quantitative points of view, it can be managed with a concordance program. So, we illustrate how to extract the terms semiautomatically in order to build a bilingual and bidirectional glossary with a parallel concordance named ParaConc. Thus, in the present paper we combine the main resource for researchers (cfr. Bowker 1998; Varantola 2000; Seghiri 2011) within the Translation field: corpora, in order to ensure quality; and the main documentation resource for prospective translators (cfr. Corpas et al. 2001): bilingual glossaries.
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