Narrative research is frequently described as a rich and diverse enterprise, yet the kinds of narrative data that it bases itself on present a striking consensus: they are autobiographical in kind (i.e., about non-shared, personal experience, single past events). In this paper, I put forth a case for under-represented narrative data which I collectively call (following Bamberg 2004a, b; also Georgakopoulou & Bamberg, 2005) “small stories” (partly literally, partly metaphorically). My aim is to flesh small stories out, to urge for the sort of systematic research that will establish connections between their interactional features and their sites of engagement and finally to consider the implications of their inclusion in narrative research for identity analysis (as the main agenda of much of narrative research). I will thus propose small stories research as a “new” narrative turn that can provide a needed meeting point for narrative analysis and narrative inquiry.
Semio-narrative positioning, forensic storytelling and post-digital activism in
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2024. Connections between learners’ communities of practice and their use of social language learning strategies: A case study. In Enabling Learning: Language Teaching for Australian Universities, ► pp. 177 ff.
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2024. Reconceptualizing risk: toward a theory of small risks in informal family play settings. Frontiers in Education 9
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2022. Reflecting and forging master narratives: A discursive analysis of a Belgian WWII museum's curatorial selection process. Journal of Sociolinguistics 26:4 ► pp. 462 ff.
De Medeiros, Kate, Etter-Lewis, Gwendolyn & Barbara J Bowers
2020. “Place” in the Small Stories of African American Elders: A Narrative Case Study. The Gerontologist 60:5 ► pp. 821 ff.
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2018. Chapter 12 Longing to Belong: Moroccan-Dutch Young People’s Narrations of National Belonging. In Contested Belonging: Spaces, Practices, Biographies, ► pp. 289 ff.
Witham, Gary & Carol Haigh
2018. Narrative intelligence in nursing: Storying patient lives in dementia care. Nursing Inquiry 25:3
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2017. Narrative Research in Practice: Navigating the Terrain. In Narrative Research in Practice, ► pp. 1 ff.
Barkhuizen, Gary
2016. A Short Story Approach to Analyzing Teacher (Imagined) Identities Over Time. TESOL Quarterly 50:3 ► pp. 655 ff.
Rezaei, Saeed
2016. Researching Identity in Language and Education. In Research Methods in Language and Education, ► pp. 1 ff.
Rezaei, Saeed
2017. Researching Identity in Language and Education. In Research Methods in Language and Education, ► pp. 171 ff.
Ulfseth, Lena A., Staffan Josephsson & Sissel Alsaker
2016. Homeward bound. Narrative Inquiry 26:1 ► pp. 22 ff.
Kjelsvik, Bjørghild
2015. «Eg har ingen familie» - Identitet, deltakarroller og tolking i asylsøkjarintervju. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 56:1 ► pp. 58 ff.
Lawrence, Ann M.
2015. Literacy narratives as sponsors of literacy: Past contributions and new directions for literacy-sponsorship research. Curriculum Inquiry 45:3 ► pp. 304 ff.
Phafoli, Lehlohonolo S & NS Zulu
2014. Narratives of personal experience: The construction of identity in Basotho accordion songs. South African Journal of African Languages 34:2 ► pp. 181 ff.
Prins, Jacomijne, Jacquelien van Stekelenburg, Francesca Polletta & Bert Klandermans
2013. Telling the Collective Story? Moroccan-Dutch Young Adults’ Negotiation of a Collective Identity through Storytelling. Qualitative Sociology 36:1 ► pp. 81 ff.
Rutten, Kris & Ronald Soetaert
2012. Narrative and Rhetorical Approaches to Problems of Education. Jerome Bruner and Kenneth Burke Revisited. Studies in Philosophy and Education
Bamberg, Michael
2011. Who am I? Narration and its contribution to self and identity. Theory & Psychology 21:1 ► pp. 3 ff.
Freeman, Mark
2011. Stories, big and small: Toward a synthesis. Theory & Psychology 21:1 ► pp. 114 ff.
2011. TESOL, Teacher Identity, and the Need for “Small Story” Research. TESOL Quarterly 45:3 ► pp. 535 ff.
2010. Narrating America: Socializing Adult ESL Learners Into Idealized Views of the United States During Citizenship Preparation Classes. TESOL Quarterly 44:3 ► pp. 488 ff.
Pahl, Kate
2009. Interactions, intersections and improvisations: Studying the multimodal texts and classroom talk of six- to seven-year-olds. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy 9:2 ► pp. 188 ff.
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