On the pace of syntactic elaboration from Latin calques
Evidence from Spanish, Dutch and English
This paper addresses the auxiliation/grammaticalization of amenazar (Spanish),
dreigen (Dutch), threaten (English), against the background of the competition between the
vernacular languages and Latin. It shows that the subjective reading of ‘threaten’, expressing a prediction on the basis of some
kind of evidence, is a Latin calque, and that the syntactic creativity or syntactic elaboration starts from this calque. In the
three cases, ‘threaten’ is combined with the semantics of ‘fall’, which indicates the roofing role of Latin. The paper shows that
the pace of the constructional change from ‘threaten’ + np to ‘threaten’ + inf is different from one language to
another. Spanish amenazar grammaticalizes into an auxiliary during the Renaissance of the 15th and 16th century.
In the case of Dutch, by contrast, only in the Golden Age of the 17th century do writers start to use dreigen
‘threaten’ as an auxiliary. Finally, English develops the auxiliary one century later than the Dutch one. The chronological
differences are explained on the basis of the cultural and linguistic elaborations typical of Golden centuries, which vary from
one nation to another.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Objective and subjective readings
- 3.The rise of subjective amenazar ‘threaten’ in Spanish
- 4.The rise of subjective dreigen ‘threaten’ in Dutch
- 5.The rise of subjective threaten in English
- 6.Conclusions
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
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