Chapter 3
L2 development of Scandinavian languages
Article outline
- 3.1Introduction
- 3.2Swedish as a target language: Morphology and syntax
- 3.2.1Morphology
- phrase morphology
- phrase morphology
- 3.2.2Syntax
- 3.3Pre-PT studies of Scandinavian languages as L2s
- 3.3.1Studies on SSL Syntax
- placement of negation
- 3.3.2Studies on SSL morphology
- phrase agreement
- 3.3.3Summary of SSL research before PT
- 3.4Applying Processability Theory to Swedish
- 3.4.1PT’s predictions for L2 Swedish morphology
- 3.4.2Testing PT morphological stages on empirical SSL data
- 3.4.3PT’s predictions for L2 Swedish syntax
- 3.4.4Testing PT syntax stages on empirical SSL data
- 3.5Studies after 1998, applying Processability Theory
- 3.5.1Scandinavian L2 acquisition
- 3.5.2Second and foreign language acquisition of Swedish
- 3.6New directions
- 3.6.1Relationship between language teachers’ assessment and PT stages
- 3.6.2Relationship between syntax and morphology
- 3.7Conclusion