Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter

Main information
Manuel Baumbach | Ruhr-Universität Bochum | bpjam-redaktion at
Olaf Pluta | Ruhr-Universität Bochum | bpjam-redaktion at
Associate Editor
Thomas Welt | Ruhr-Universität Bochum | bpjam-redaktion at
Assistant Editor
Johanna T. Oberhaus | Ruhr-Universität Bochum

This journal is devoted to the philosophy of antiquity and the Middle Ages. It concentrates on research documenting the connections between ancient and medieval philosophy; focuses on the interrelations among various cultural and philosophical traditions, such as the Arabic, Judaic, Byzantine and Latin; informs about major research trends in ancient and medieval philosophy and publish reviews of important new studies in these fields; offers a forum for discussions of controversial or divergent interpretations of these topics; presents previously unpublished sources and translations too short to appear in another format; and features a miscellany of reports and information, including interviews with prominent scholars.

In keeping with its international character, the journal publishes contributions in English, German, French, and Italian. The journal does not aim only to appeal to professional historians of philosophy, but also intends to publish introductory articles of interest to students which along with new source material and lively interviews should provide a fresh perspective on and unique access to ancient and medieval thought.

ISSN: 1384-6663 | E-ISSN: 1569-9684
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Herausgegeben von Manuel Baumbach und Olaf Pluta
Expected April 2025. iv, 277 pp.
Herausgegeben von Manuel Baumbach und Olaf Pluta
2022. iv, 365 pp.
Herausgegeben von Manuel Baumbach und Olaf Pluta
2021. iv, 221 pp.
Herausgegeben von Manuel Baumbach und Olaf Pluta
2020. iv, 312 pp.
Herausgegeben von Manuel Baumbach und Olaf Pluta
2019. iv, 287 pp.
Herausgegeben von Manuel Baumbach und Olaf Pluta
2018. iv, 258 pp.
Herausgegeben von Manuel Baumbach und Olaf Pluta
2017. iv, 299 pp.
Herausgegeben von Manuel Baumbach und Olaf Pluta
2016. iv, 307 pp.
Herausgegeben von Manuel Baumbach, Burkhard Mojsisch und Olaf Pluta
2015. iv, 290 pp.
Edited by Manuel Baumbach, Burkhard Mojsisch and Olaf Pluta
2014. iv, 283 pp.
Edited by Manuel Baumbach, Burkhard Mojsisch and Olaf Pluta
2013. iv, 316 pp.
Edited by Manuel Baumbach, Burkhard Mojsisch and Olaf Pluta
2012. iv, 311 pp.
Edited by Manuel Baumbach, Burkhard Mojsisch and Olaf Pluta
2011. iv, 330 pp.
Herausgegeben von Burkhard Mojsisch, Olaf Pluta und Rudolf Rehn
2008. iv, 295 pp.
Herausgegeben von Burkhard Mojsisch, Olaf Pluta und Rudolf Rehn
2007. 306 pp.
Herausgegeben von Burkhard Mojsisch, Olaf Pluta und Rudolf Rehn
2006. vi, 306 pp.
Edited by Burkhard Mojsisch, Olaf Pluta and Rudolf Rehn
2005. vi, 305 pp.
Herausgegeben von Burkhard Mojsisch, Olaf Pluta und Rudolf Rehn
2004. vi, 284 pp.
Herausgegeben von Burkhard Mojsisch, Olaf Pluta und Rudolf Rehn
2003. vi, 295 pp.
Herausgegeben von Burkhard Mojsisch, Olaf Pluta und Rudolf Rehn
2002. vi, 328 pp.
Herausgegeben von Burkhard Mojsisch, Olaf Pluta und Rudolf Rehn
2001. vi, 294 pp.
Herausgegeben von Burkhard Mojsisch, Olaf Pluta und Rudolf Rehn
2000. vi, 316 pp.
Herausgegeben von Burkhard Mojsisch, Olaf Pluta und Rudolf Rehn
1999. v, 306 pp.
Herausgegeben von Burkhard Mojsisch, Olaf Pluta und Rudolf Rehn
1998. vi, 288 pp.
Herausgegeben von Burkhard Mojsisch, Olaf Pluta und Rudolf Rehn
1997. vi, 340 pp.
Herausgegeben von Burkhard Mojsisch, Olaf Pluta und Rudolf Rehn
1996. 284 pp.
Editorial Board
Egbert P. Bos | Leiden
Stephen F. Brown | Boston College
Sten Ebbesen | Kopenhagen
Michael Erler | Würzburg
Kurt Flasch | Mainz
Michael Griffin | Vancouver
Dimitri Gutas | Yale University
Jeremiah Hackett | Columbia, South Carolina
Ruedi Imbach | Paris
John Marenbon | Cambridge
Robert Pasnau | Boulder
John C. Sallis | Boston College
Sarah Stroumsa | Jerusalem
Paola Zambelli | Florenz
Subscription Info
Current issue: 25, available as of November 2023
Next issue: 26, expected April 2025

General information about our electronic journals.

Subscription rates

All prices for print + online include postage/handling.

Online-only Print + online
Volume 28 (2025): 1 issue; ca. 300 pp. EUR 163.00 EUR 221.00
Volume 27 (2024): 1 issue; ca. 300 pp. EUR 158.00 EUR 201.00
Volume 26 (2023): 1 issue; ca. 300 pp. EUR 153.00 EUR 183.00

Individuals may apply for a special online-only subscription rate of EUR 70.00 per volume.
Private subscriptions are for personal use only, and must be pre-paid and ordered directly from the publisher.

Available back-volumes

Online-only Print + online
Complete backset
(Vols. 1‒25; 1996‒2022)
25 issues;
7,500 pp.
EUR 3,120.00 EUR 3,363.00
Volumes 23‒25 (2020‒2022) 1 issue; avg. 300 pp. EUR 153.00 per volume EUR 179.00 per volume
Volume 22 (2019) 1 issue; 300 pp. EUR 150.00 EUR 175.00
Volume 21 (2018) 1 issue; 300 pp. EUR 146.00 EUR 170.00
Volume 20 (2017) 1 issue; 300 pp. EUR 142.00 EUR 165.00
Volume 19 (2016) 1 issue; 300 pp. EUR 142.00 EUR 160.00
Volume 18 (2015) 1 issue; 300 pp. EUR 142.00 EUR 155.00
Volume 17 (2014) 1 issue; 300 pp. EUR 142.00 EUR 150.00
Volume 16 (2013) 1 issue; 300 pp. EUR 142.00 EUR 146.00
Volume 15 (2012) 1 issue; 300 pp. EUR 138.00 EUR 142.00
Volume 14 (2011) 1 issue; 300 pp. EUR 134.00 EUR 138.00
Volume 13 (2008) 1 issue; 300 pp. EUR 130.00 EUR 134.00
Volume 12 (2007) 1 issue; 300 pp. EUR 126.00 EUR 130.00
Volume 11 (2006) 1 issue; 300 pp. EUR 122.00 EUR 126.00
Volume 10 (2005) 1 issue; 300 pp. EUR 117.00 EUR 120.00
Volume 9 (2004) 1 issue; 300 pp. EUR 112.00 EUR 115.00
Volumes 7‒8 (2002‒2003) 1 issue; avg. 300 pp. EUR 107.00 per volume EUR 110.00 per volume
Volumes 5‒6 (2000‒2001) 1 issue; avg. 300 pp. EUR 97.00 per volume EUR 100.00 per volume
Volumes 1‒4 (1996‒1999) 1 issue; avg. 300 pp. EUR 92.00 per volume EUR 95.00 per volume

The journal invites submissions in line with its aim and scope. More information on deadlines etc. can be found on

Before submitting, please consult these guidelines.

Manuscript submissions and enquiries: bpjam-redaktion at

Postal address:
Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter
Seminar für Klassische Philologie
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
D–44780 Bochum


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Main BIC Subject

HP: Philosophy

Main BISAC Subject

PHI000000: PHILOSOPHY / General