Multilingualism studies and translation studies
Still a long road ahead
This chapter explores the relation between multilingual studies and translation
and interpreting by focusing on two interrelated fields in multilingual studies,
conveniently referred to as language policy and planning. By focusing particularly
on this specialised field, one is able to understand the role of translation
and interpreting better and thus chart the way forward how to deal with this
relation in translation studies. The chapter first presents a historical overview
by establishing at what point and for what purpose multilingualism studies
felt the need to adopt the concept of ‘translation’. It then moves on to describe
how this concept has been adapted to and been understood in language policy
and planning, including how it is defined. Specific attention is then given to
theoretical and methodological exchanges between language policy and planning
and translation and interpreting. Despite some interesting developments
the authors conclude that one still sees very little evidence of constructive
exchanges between language policy and planning studies and translation studies.
It is argued that a real theoretical, conceptual and methodological exchange
would benefit both disciplines but that many challenges remain.
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