Investigating the ergonomics of a technologized translation workplace
Maureen Ehrensberger-Dow | Institute of Translation and Interpreting, Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Andrea Hunziker Heeb | Institute of Translation and Interpreting, Zurich University of Applied Sciences
The modern translation workplace is characterized by intensive human-computer interaction and heavy use of language technology. In such settings, translators are subject to temporal and spatial constraints that can be mitigated or accentuated by good and poor ergonomic design, respectively. In the research reported here, an ergonomic framework encompassing physical, cognitive, and organizational aspects of the workplace has been used to gain insights into the situated activity of translation. The multi-method approach includes screen and video recordings, interviews, and ergonomic assessments at the workplace. The results of the case study reported here suggest that apparently minor disturbances can have a negative effect on the efficiency of the translation process and potentially impact job satisfaction and even health.
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