Name index
- Adibe, Yheya (interpreter)89, 91
- Affonso, Martim (interpreter)109
- Afonso I (Nzinga Mbemba)101
- AIIC (Association Internationale des Interprètes de Conférence)3, 8, 271, 284–286
- American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions150
- Anglican Church (and missionaries)55, 73–74, 130, 151, 158, 196, 201, 211
- Argüello, Juan de29–30, 42–45
- Association des Interprètes et Auxiliaires afghans de l’Armée française280
- Athayde, Alexandre de (interpreter)97
- Ballarino, Giovanni Battista221–222, 224–228, 231–234
- Bemzamero, Abrahão (interpreter)91
- Bertolini, Natalis229–230
- Brito, Gil (alfaqueque)87–88
- Brutti, Christoforo212, 221–222, 226, 231
- Burden, John Alfred158–160
- Cadamosto, Alvise82, 92, 94, 100, 115, 118
- Caeiro, Gonçalo (alfaqueque)88
- Cão, Diogo92, 101–102, 109
- Capodistria (Koper)218, 229, 236
- Cary, Otis155, 156, 157, 165, 166
- Catholic Church55, 83, 104, 149, 219, 226
- Céspedes de Oviedo, Luis34–35
- Chi, Gaspar Antonio (Maya General Interpreter of Yucatan)31, 33, 37, 45–46, 51
- Church missionary Society (CMS)201
- Costa, João da (alfaqueque)88
- Covilhã, Pêro da (interpreter)88, 108–109, 117
- Davis, Natalie Zemon220, 236
- Dias, André (interpreter)97–98, 101
- Dias, Bartolomeu92, 109, 114
- Dias, Braz (alfaqueque)87
- Dias, Diogo (interpreter)88
- Fernandes da Fonseca, João (alfaqueque)88
- Fernandes, João (interpreter degredado)111–112
- Fernandes, Martin (alfaqueque)93
- Fernandes, Tristão (alfaqueque)88
- Fernandes, Valentim82, 115
- Fonds National Suisse (FNS)1
- Franciscan(s) 8, 32, 57, 61, 63–65, 72, 77–79, 95, 98, 102, 106, 108, 146, 196
- Francisco and Gaspar (slave-interpreters)111
- Gama, Vasco da89, 108–111, 116
- Gerachi, Giorgio212–213, 224–25
- Gijón, Francisco de27, 37
- Gonzalves, Joam (interpreter)108
- Grillo, Ambrosio18, 212–213, 216–219, 221–223, 227–228, 232–233
- Grillo, Giovanni Antonio217
- Groote Eylandt200–202, 204, 205, 207
- Hackett, Roger F.156, 157
- Hartog (François)7, 11–12, 22, 293–294
- Harvard University152, 157.
- Henriques, Duarte (interpreter)111
- Hottak, Rafi273, 276, 277
- ISAF (International Security Assistance Force)270, 272–275
- João I (Nzinga a Nkuwu)101
- João II85, 88, 94, 96, 99–102, 105, 108–109, 111
- João III89–91, 95, 97–99, 101, 105
- Koselleck (Reinhart) 12, 22
- Kwansei Gakuin University161, 165
- Las Casas, Bartolomé de26, 41, 49
- LECs (Locally Employed Civilians)282
- Lemos, Francisco de (interpreter)88
- London Missionary Society196
- Lopes, Jorge (interpreter)89, 91
- Luna y Arellano, Carlos de33, 39, 41, 43
- Mandela, Nelson81, 114, 118
- Manuel I88–89, 94, 96, 98, 101, 104–105, 107–111
- Martins, Fernão (interpreter)89, 109–110, 114
- McAlpine, James and Pauline154
- Méndez de Oliveira, Antonio (interpreter)97
- Mermet de Cachon, Eugéne Emmanuel150
- Miguel, Alcaide (alfaqueque) 86–88
- Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (MCSs)201
- Moor(s)83, 85–86, 88–90, 92–93, 96, 108–110, 125, 136
- Moore, Wallace H.158, 161, 163, 165
- Moran, Sherwood F.154, 155, 156, 163, 165
- Moran, Sherwood R. (Sherry)156, 157
- Münzer, Hieronymus82, 94–95, 99, 115
- National Archives, Kew175
- Norman, W. Howard H.160, 161, 165, 166
- Nunes, Ignacio (interpreter)88–91
- Olivieri, Giovanni212–213
- Orthodox Church149, 219, 226
- Padavino, Giovanni Battista222, 226
- Paiva, Afonso de (interpreter)88, 108–109
- Parada, Michiel212–213, 225–226, 231
- Pedro (slave-interpreter)111
- Phanariots215–217, 220, 237
- Philip II of Spain (Philip I of Portugal)83, 89, 104
- Prester John88, 95, 102, 108–109, 111
- Prince Enrique the Navigator83, 93
- Protestant Church (and missionaries)55, 146–147, 149, 168, 196
- Rebelo, Estevão de (alfaqueque)88
- Rebelo, Vicente de (alfaqueque)88
- Reynel, Vicente (alfaqueque)88
- Rodrigues, Salvador (língua)97
- Rute, Jacob (interpreter)91
- Sanabria, Juan de32, 34–37
- Sanches, João (interpreter)111
- Sanguinazzo, Domenico212–213, 226, 231
- Sarkozy, Nicolas (president)280
- School of Military Government at University of Virginia163
- Senate (Venetian)221–222, 228, 231
- Shikoku Christian University162, 165
- Shively, John R.153, 156, 157
- Sintra, Pedro de92–94, 114
- State Inquisitors (Venetian)222, 225–227, 231
- Taiwan Colonization Company181, 182
- Tarsia, Christoforo18, 212–213, 216–222, 225, 227–233
- Tugendhat, Tom273, 274, 279
- United States Marine Corps153, 156
- United States Military Intelligence Service Language School158
- United States Naval Intelligence Unit156
- United States Overseas Strategic Services (OSS)147
- United States Strategic Bombing Survey155
- United States Women’s Army Corps158
- University of California, Berkeley152, 157, 158
- Uz, Hernando (interpreter)16, 25, 29, 32–33, 36–39, 41, 44, 46–47
- Vanmour, Jean Baptiste215–216
- Verbeck, Guido Herman Fridolin150, 151
- Vicente, Gil (interpreter)97
- Williams, Samuel Wells150
- Xiu, Pedro25, 29–31, 35–37, 41–46, 51
- Zucchelli da Gradisca, Antonio105, 116