Subject index
- adalid(es) (mediator)92, 118
- Agency3, 14, 15, 17, 19, 47, 73, 74, 120, 122, 124, 130, 132, 194, 197, 198, 199, 232, 238, 239, 245, 246, 247, 260, 289, 291
- alfaqueque(s) (captive rescuers)81, 83, 85–88, 92, 113, 116
- allied war effort against Japan163
- ambassador(s)88, 103–104, 107–108, 119, 158, 215, 222, 234, 278, 282
- anti-hero19, 238–240, 242, 245, 247, 249, 250, 254, 260, 261, 262, 289
- apprenticeship (dragomans)214, 218, 220, 223
- archival traces212, 222, 227, 234
- archives5–6, 14, 69, 79, 126, 134, 139–140, 168–170, 175, 192, 222, 269, 285, 294, 297
- artifactualitysee also textual objects226
- atlas1, 4, 7, 10, 14–15, 20, 22, 288–289, 292
- autobiographical subjectivity238, 239, 245, 250
- autobiography166, 240, 245
- bailate, Venetiansee also bailo18–19, 212–214, 217–219, 221–228, 230–231, 233–235
- bailo213, 217, 221–223, 235
- bible12, 146, 150–151, 198, 210
- border(s) / borderland(s)13, 17, 22, 50–51, 54–55, 57–58, 60, 77–79, 87, 92, 122, 141, 172–173, 175, 179, 182, 219, 226, 230, 234, 295
- cacique (Indigenous lord)29, 32, 39–41, 46, 51, 55, 57, 59, 61–67, 69–72, 79
- camps162, 166, 174, 238, 239, 247–249, 253, 255, 257, 258–262, 283
- captives57, 85–87, 89, 93, 96
- cartography1, 5, 7–10, 14, 142
- Christian missions193, 197
- circulation(s)vi, 18, 82, 212, 214, 223, 225, 228–234, 236–237
- class127, 170–172, 215, 220, 228, 259
- communicative circuits228, 233–234
- concentration camp238, 239, 247, 249, 250, 251, 252, 255, 256, 257, 259, 260, 261.
- controlled publicity224, 228, 231
- Convention of Kanagawa (Japan-US Treaty of Peace and Amity)150
- defender of the Indians (defensor de indios)26–27, 32, 34–37, 39, 49, 296
- degredado(s) (convicts sent overseas)94, 96, 109, 111
- diplomatic legation(s)215
- diplomatic mission(s)25, 215, 217
- dispatch(es)222, 228, 231
- dragoman(s) 12, 14–16, 18–19, 23, 117–118, 212–237, 290, 297
- dragomanate18, 213, 220, 222, 229, 231, 290
- dynasty(ies)81, 214, 217–220, 225, 229
- embassy99, 102, 104, 107–108, 115, 153, 157, 174, 215, 218, 233, 277
- emissary(ies)102, 122, 124
- emotion(s)232, 251–252, 292
- ethical issues3, 16 (implications), 132, 241, 292
- fidelity (interpreters)29, 35, 40–41
- gender15, 58, 210, 257, 259, 262, 264, 288–289
- general interpreter(s) (Americas)25–28, 31–32, 36–37, 41, 44–46
- geography1, 7–9, 20, 24, 85, 133, 183, 289, 298
- gift(s) (presents)26, 99, 102, 215, 219, 223, 229, 237
- globalisation15, 82, 117, 144, 293, 298
- governing masculinities227, 236, 290
- governmentality19, 212, 214
- Great Kanto Earthquake164
- gunzoku (Japanese): noncombatant paramilitary personnel172, 173, 182
- household69, 110, 134, 215, 219, 221–225, 232–234, 236
- immigration19, 271, 281–283
- informant(s)17, 33, 67, 85–86, 129–132, 136, 145, 147, 154, 162, 166–167, 225, 273
- intellectual sovereignty200
- intelligence officers156, 163
- interpreter invisibility269
- intimidation protection scheme276
- Japanese interpreters16, 162–164, 167, 173, 190, 191
- Japanese translators152, 158
- Jesuit(s)8, 49, 64, 77, 106–107, 146–149, 168, 170, 219, 236, 298
- Jew(s)85, 88–89, 96–97, 108–109, 113, 210, 253
- Johore Bahru; the Police Training School183, 184
- Kempeitai (Japanese): military police corps176, 177, 179, 181
- kinship/ping14, 58, 63, 66, 214–215, 217, 219, 221, 223, 229, 233, 235
- ladino (bilingual Indian)32, 44, 49
- lançado(s) (Portuguese left behind in Africa who learned local languages)81, 83, 96–97, 107, 111–113
- language arbitration board (Tokyo Trial)161
- language learning148, 151, 258
- language/linguistic intermediary(ies)13, 15, 18, 26, 34–35, 52, 79, 81, 86, 93–94, 96, 111, 113, 117, 120–121, 124, 134–135, 142, 193–194, 196–197, 233–234, 257, 291, 294–295
- lengua (literally “tongue”, for interpreter, in Spanish)36–37, 49–50, 86
- lenguaraz (plural lenguaraces) (interpreter(s), in Spanish) 55, 57, 59–60, 63–65, 69–70, 72, 74, 79
- letter(s)4, 29–30, 33–34, 43–47, 64–66, 73, 78, 86–89, 91, 98, 100, 112, 119, 136–137, 150, 156, 163–167, 169, 199, 213, 219, 222, 227–228, 270, 272, 277–279, 284, 286–287, 296
- lingua franca/ linguae francae83, 97, 113, 249, 291–292
- língua(s) (literally “tongue(s)”, for interpreter(s), in Portuguese)36, 85, 89–90, 97–98, 101, 104, 117
- loyalty (interpreters’) 14, 18, 62, 65, 212, 214, 219–220, 230, 270, 279
- Mapuche (people)16, 51, 53–67, 69–70, 72–75, 77–80, 291, 298
- mediation5, 17, 25, 28, 32, 37–38, 41–43, 46–48, 51, 54, 58–60, 63–67, 69, 76, 78–79, 81, 83, 85, 88, 92, 108, 113, 120, 122, 136, 138–139, 142, 196, 200, 208, 212, 214–215, 221–222, 226, 233–235, 249, 251, 257–259, 261, 269, 273, 281, 296–298
- memoirs (by interpreters)vi, 5, 14, 19, 21, 238–242, 244–247, 250–252, 254, 259, 262–263, 265–266, 289, 296
- methodist missionaries155
- military interpreters18–19, 126, 143, 166, 171–174, 178–180, 185, 187–189, 248, 270, 274.
- missionariesv, 8, 17–18, 53–56, 59, 64, 69–70, 72, 77, 98, 100, 102, 104–107, 118, 123, 145–155, 157–158, 161, 163–164, 166–170, 193–205, 207–211, 289
- missionary children145, 155, 157, 163
- missionary-connected wartime linguists165, 166
- Moslem(s)/Muslim(s)v, 17, 81–83, 86, 89, 91, 112, 114, 120–122, 124, 126, 128–129, 133–139, 142–143, 280, 297
- nahuatlato(s) (interpreter(s)) 34, 48, 52, 116
- Nisei linguists158, 159, 161, 162, 166.
- occupation of Japan (1945-1952)17, 145, 152, 157, 164, 166.
- official interpreter(s)69, 81, 83, 88–89, 113, 134–135, 151
- Pacific War (1941-1945)17, 145, 147, 148, 149, 152, 154, 166, 172, 185
- parlamento(s) (Hispano-Mapuche)54–55, 59, 61–65, 69–70, 78, 80, 291
- patronage63, 212, 214, 217–219, 222–223, 235
- Pearl Harbor attack153, 158, 162, 163, 172.
- personal interpreter25, 32–33, 40, 44, 46–47
- petition(s)37, 42, 45, 134, 213, 217, 221, 227–228, 231
- Portuguese expansion (1415-1600)17, 81, 83, 114
- power relations3, 28, 48, 53, 76, 121, 139, 232, 288, 293
- Presbyterian missionaries155
- records (historical)3, 5–6, 13, 17, 26–29, 39, 58, 66, 68–69, 74, 76, 88–90, 94, 96, 114, 126, 129–130, 133–134, 138, 164, 168–170, 175–176, 180, 186–187, 189, 192, 203, 215, 217, 222, 234, 241, 268–269, 273, 289
- “reeducation” center for Japanese POWs163
- resistance181, 193, 194, 197, 198, 199
- sacramental confessions (through interpreters)104
- scale8–9, 11, 172, 233, 289
- secrecy18, 104, 212, 214, 226
- self-representation132, 247, 261
- signed language14, 22, 292
- silence(s) (historical)10, 14–15, 132–133, 140, 143–144
- slave trade94–96, 98–100, 125, 132, 291
- slave-interpreter(s)13, 81, 95, 100–101, 111
- slave(s)82–83, 85–86, 92–96, 98–101, 105, 107, 111–114, 125, 132, 224, 246, 290–291
- sources1, 5–7, 10, 14–17, 20, 22–23, 25–26, 28–29, 46, 55–56, 58, 65, 68, 76, 78, 99, 115–116, 120–121, 123, 131–133, 138, 140–141, 147, 248, 262–263, 269, 285, 289, 292
- sovereignty75, 97, 198, 200, 208, 222, 233, 294
- space(s)4, 6–7, 9–11, 19–20, 23, 25, 29, 33, 35, 54, 58, 60, 68, 73, 80, 122, 124, 142, 167, 177–178, 188, 198, 204, 207–208, 212, 214, 221, 223–224, 227, 231, 235, 240–241, 245–247, 251, 256–257, 262, 268, 271, 278, 292–295
- Spanish Civil War238, 247, 248, 249, 251, 254, 261.
- Special Status282, 283, 284.
- spy(ies)64, 85, 147, 154, 164, 169, 219, 224, 236
- statement(s)26, 28–29, 34, 37–40, 42–43, 45–46, 127, 183, 213, 224, 231–232
- subaltern (status) (interpreters)5, 13, 121–122, 139, 221, 239, 266, 288–290
- “Suggestions for Japanese Interpreters Based on Work in the Field” (1943)154
- Superior Commander for the Allied Powers (SCAP)161
- supervisors of Nisei linguists158, 161
- textual objectssee also artifactuality235
- Tokyo War Crimes Trial161
- trans-imperial subjects12, 23, 212, 217, 219, 297
- trujaman(es) (language intermediaries)93
- trust/ing (in interpreters)3, 14, 16–17, 23, 25, 29, 33–35, 40, 47, 51, 55, 89, 97, 114, 118, 162–163, 166–167, 214, 219, 237, 257, 270
- turgimão (pl. turgimões) (interpreter)88, 97
- war crime trials18, 171, 173, 175, 190, 191
- work stoppage212, 214, 220, 222, 231