Part of
The Critical Link 2: Interpreters in the Community
Edited by Roda P. Roberts, Silvana E. Carr, Diana Abraham and Aideen Dufour
[Benjamins Translation Library 31] 2000
► pp. 4966
Cited by (28)

Cited by 28 other publications

Ciribuco, Andrea & Federico M. Federici
2024. The experience of intercultural mediators in the Italian COVID-19 vaccination campaign. Language and Intercultural Communication 24:3  pp. 180 ff. DOI logo
Şener Erkırtay, Olcay, Aslı Polat Ulaş & Şeyda Kıncal
2024. Perceptions of interpreters working for refugee clients of the psychological effects of their work. RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi :Ö14  pp. 1429 ff. DOI logo
Pym, Anthony, Judith Raigal-Aran & Carmen Bestué Salinas
2023. Non-standard court interpreting as risk management. In Introducing New Hypertexts on Interpreting (Studies) [Benjamins Translation Library, 160],  pp. 108 ff. DOI logo
Zhang, Shuyin, Yingyi Zhuang & Liwen Chang
2023. Cultural mediation in crisis translation. Translation and Interpreting Studies 18:2  pp. 301 ff. DOI logo
Zwischenberger, Cornelia, Karin Reithofer & Sylvi Rennert
2023. Introducing new hypertexts on Interpreting (Studies). In Introducing New Hypertexts on Interpreting (Studies) [Benjamins Translation Library, 160],  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
2022. Türkiye’de Sağlık Çevirmenleri Üzerine Oluşturulan Söylemin Işığında “Interpreter of Maladies” Öyküsüne Bakış: Çevirmen mi, Dert Yorumcusu mu?. Çeviribilim ve Uygulamaları Dergisi 2022:33  pp. 78 ff. DOI logo
Knap-Dlouhá, Pavlína, Benjamin Bossaert, Dita Macáková & Kristina Pajerová
2021. Komunitní tlumočení v ČR a v nizozemsky hovořících zemích, DOI logo
Łomzik, Magdalena
2021. Recent Research on the Perception of the Translating Profession. Comparative Legilinguistics 48:1  pp. 41 ff. DOI logo
Crezee, Ineke H.M. & Shirley Jülich
2020. Exploring role expectations of healthcare interpreters in New Zealand. In Interpreting in legal and healthcare settings [Benjamins Translation Library, 151],  pp. 211 ff. DOI logo
Foulquié-Rubio, Ana Isabel & Dolores Beteta-Fernández
2020. Communication issues during triage in a paediatric emergency department. In Interpreting in legal and healthcare settings [Benjamins Translation Library, 151],  pp. 243 ff. DOI logo
2020. Becoming an interpreter through experience: The perceptions of the non-professional public service interpreters in Turkey. RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi :19  pp. 661 ff. DOI logo
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2019. Non-literary translation in Switzerland. Translation Spaces 8:2  pp. 257 ff. DOI logo
Shlesinger†, Miriam, Tanya Voinova & Michal Schuster
2019. A Feminine Occupation? The Conflicts Inherent to Community Interpreting as Expressed by Female Student Interpreters. In Understanding Campus-Community Partnerships in Conflict Zones,  pp. 185 ff. DOI logo
Krystallidou, Demi, Céline Van De Walle, Myriam Deveugele, Evangelia Dougali, Fien Mertens, Amélie Truwant, Ellen Van Praet & Peter Pype
2018. Training “doctor-minded” interpreters and “interpreter-minded” doctors. Interpreting. International Journal of Research and Practice in Interpreting 20:1  pp. 132 ff. DOI logo
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Zheng, Binghan & Xia Xiang
2018. Between invisibility and over-visibility. Babel. Revue internationale de la traduction / International Journal of Translation 64:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
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2017. Mediating or Exacerbating Cultural Differences: The Role of Interpreters in Official Intercultural Interaction. In Intercultural Communication with China [Encounters between East and West, ],  pp. 133 ff. DOI logo
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2016. Towards a broader approach to the community interpreter’s role. Interpreting. International Journal of Research and Practice in Interpreting 18:1  pp. 57 ff. DOI logo
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2016. T&I field training for undergraduate students: a case study of Korean undergraduate students’ peripheral participation into the community and their furthered understanding of the role of interpreters/translators. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 10:1  pp. 44 ff. DOI logo
Tipton, Rebecca
2016. Perceptions of the ‘Occupational Other’: Interpreters, Social Workers and Intercultures. British Journal of Social Work 46:2  pp. 463 ff. DOI logo
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Vargas-Urpi, Mireia
2016. Problems and strategies in public service interpreting as perceived by a sample of Chinese-Catalan/Spanish interpreters. Perspectives 24:4  pp. 666 ff. DOI logo
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Corsellis, Ann
2008. The Expertise and Role of Public Service Interpreters and Translators. In Public Service Interpreting,  pp. 24 ff. DOI logo

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