2024. When constructional choice is a matter of context: sembrare-constructions across a continuum of text genres. CogniTextes Volume 25
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2023. Alternation in the Mandarin disposal constructions: quantifying their evolutionary dynamics across twelve centuries. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory
Gardner, Matt Hunt, Eva Uffing, Nicholas Van Vaeck, Benedikt Szmrecsanyi & Stefan Th. Gries
2021. Variation isn’t that hard: Morphosyntactic choice does not predict production difficulty. PLOS ONE 16:6 ► pp. e0252602 ff.
2020. The social embedding of a syntactic alternation: Variable particle placement in Ontario English. Language Variation and Change 32:3 ► pp. 317 ff.
Luo, Han
2019. Theoretical Framework. In Particle Verbs in English, ► pp. 15 ff.
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2014. Stefan Thim, Phrasal verbs: The English verb–particle construction and its history (Topics in English Linguistics 78). Berlin and New York: De Gruyter Mouton, 2012. Pp. xiv + 302. ISBN 978-3-11-025702-1.. English Language and Linguistics 18:3 ► pp. 572 ff.
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2010. Expressions of futurity in contemporary English: a Construction Grammar perspective. English Language and Linguistics 14:2 ► pp. 217 ff.
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