- accessibility
- as explanation of perceptual metaphor106–107
- intersubjective accessibility81
- adjective-noun pairs175–186, 213–232
- American Sign Language22–23
- Amis language25, 45–46, 206
- amodal theories of representation51–52
- ATOM, A Theory of Magnitude35
- asymmetry
- between the senses35, 107–108, 112
- in conceptual metaphor theory81–82, 85–86
- in perceptual metaphor101–102, 107–108, 112–114
- audiovisual integration180–181
- bimodality,see statistical methods
- British Sign Language22–23, 193
- circularity114–115, 134, 137, 147–148, 151, 227
- Chi-square test,see statistical methods
- cluster analysis,see statistical methods
- cognitive linguistics61–62, 75, 79–80, 123, 124–126
- cognitive linguistic commitments124–126
- cognitive reality commitment124–125
- color23, 25–28, 32, 34, 36–40, 44, 48, 89–90, 167–168, 183
- and synesthetic metaphor100, 110
- gradability of color terms110
- colored hearing synesthesia67, 74
- common sensible34–36, 100–101, 129, 168
- communicative need43–46, 109, 116, 195
- conceptual conflict69, 86, 92
- conceptual metaphor theory,see metaphor
- conceptual preference principle,see accessibility
- concreteness,see metaphor
- conflict,see conceptual conflict
- continuity of the senses90–91, 187–197
- converging evidence80, 100
- converging evidence commitment124–125
- corpus
- approaches to inferring sensory modality149–152
- of Contemporary American English31, 73, 176, 215
- hapax legomena215–216, 220–221
- SUBTLEX movie subtitles corpus144, 188–190
- corpus linguistics130–132, 176, 185–186, 241–242
- correlation,see statistical methods
- correspondence argument58–59, 209
- cosine similarity,see statistical methods
- data visualization,see statistical methods
- dip test,see statistical methods
- dimension words35–36, 100–101, 129, 168, 216–217
- directionality principle,see accessibility
- double mapping constraint117
- emotional valence63, 131, 201–208
- emotional valence norms131, 136
- evaluative language,see emotional valence
- frequency
- token frequency129, 188–190, 217–219
- type frequency129, 219–220
- type versus token frequency43, 129, 215
- functional magnetic resonance imagining (fMRI)55–57
- Gaussian mixture models,see statistical methods
- gesture18–19, 21, 23, 26, 35, 80
- grapheme-color synesthesia73–74
- hapax legomena215–216, 220–221
- Hartigan’s dip test,see statistical methods
- iconicity17–23, 29–30, 35–36, 47–48, 241
- and metaphor111, 117–118, 227–230, 232
- illusion,see perceptual illusion
- ineffability31–49, 108–109, 115–116, 225–226
- as an explanation of metaphor108–109, 115–116, 225–226
- inexpressibility hypothesis48
- intersubjective accessibility,see accessibility
- Kernel density plot,see statistical methods
- kiki-bouba effect20–21, 35–36
- kimchi23–24, 28, 30, 31, 33, 38, 54, 244
- Kruskal-Wallis test,see statistical methods
- logistic regression,see statistical methods
- loudness34, 77, 109, 115, 172, 225
- mental simulation,see perceptual simulation
- metonymy24, 83–84, 86
- author stands for author's work84
- down stands for sadness84
- place stands for institution24, 86
- metonymical analysis of primary metaphors84
- metaphor
- asymmetry of metaphor,see asymmetry
- conceptual metaphor theory79–83, 114
- complex organization is physical structure83
- persistence is remaining erect83
- primary metaphor29, 62, 82–83, 85–86
- sadness is down,see happy is up
- size is quantity,see more is bigger
- social distance is physical distance,see intimacy is closeness
- mixed effects models,see statistical methods
- modality exclusivity143–144, 146–149, 157–160, 162, 243
- modality switch effect58, 62–63
- multilevel models,see statistical methods
- music19–20, 27, 29, 74, 93, 172
- neuroscientific methods,see fMRI
- onomatopoeia19–20, 22, 181, 193
- pain12, 34, 54, 56, 73, 75, 87–89, 109
- Pearson residuals,see statistical methods
- perceptual illusion
- audiovisual illusion,see McGurk effect
- sound-induced flash illusion181
- perceptual simulation53–54
- permutation test,see statistical methods
- phonological iconicity,see iconicity
- primary metaphor,see metaphor
- principal components analysis (PCA),see statistical methods
- regression,see statistical methods
- scalar adjectives,see gradability
- scatter plot,see statistical methods
- selective attention,see attention
- semantic prosody130–132, 136, 204–206, 209–210
- signed languages22–23, 117
- spatial dimensions,see dimension words
- sound symbolism,see iconicity
- source-based language23–26, 29–30, 33–34, 48
- statistical methods
- correlation147, 150, 182–184, 209
- cosine similarity148, 176–179, 228–230
- Gaussian mixture models167
- Hartigan's dip test156–157
- Kernel density plot144, 156, 159, 160, 178
- logistic regression227–228
- mixed effects models229–230
- Pearson residuals155, 219–221
- principal components analysis (PCA)164–166
- scatter plot166
- variable coordinate plot165
- Wilcoxon rank sum test145, 154, 158, 178, 195, 223
- Symbol Interdependency Theory62–63
- tactile disadvantage,see touch
- temperature23, 80–81, 87, 110, 169–170
- Thumper (video game)19–20
- unidirectionality,see asymmetry
- variable coordinate plot,see statistical methods
- visual dominance40–46, 153–157, 161–162, 188–190
- visual impairment,see blindness
- Wilcoxon rank sum test,see statistical methods