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negation in English, using data from the British National Corpus. Contrastive
negation refers to constructs with two parts, one negative and the other
affirmative, such that the affirmative offers an alternative to the negative in
the frame in question (e.g. shaken, not stirred; not
once but twice; I don’t like it – I love it). The
paper utilises multiple correspondence analysis to explore the degree of
synonymy among the various constructional schemas of contrastive negation,
finding that different schemas are associated with different semantic, pragmatic
and extralinguistic contexts but also that certain schemas do not differ from
each other in a significant way.
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Cited by (5)
Cited by five other publications
Silvennoinen, Olli O.
2023. Not Just Contrastive: Constructions with Negated Restrictives in English. Journal of English Linguistics 51:4 ► pp. 346 ff.
Kuzai, Einat
2022. Negation as involvement: Building intersubjectivity via the Hebrew lo tagid construction. Journal of Pragmatics 189 ► pp. 79 ff.
Taremaa, Piia, Helen Hint, Maria Reile & Renate Pajusalu
2021. Constructional variation in Estonian: Demonstrative pronouns and adverbs as determiners in noun phrases. Lingua 254 ► pp. 103030 ff.
Zehentner, Eva
2021. Alternations emerge and disappear: the network of dispossession constructions in the history of English. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 17:3 ► pp. 525 ff.
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