FrameNet’s Using relation as a source of concept-based paraphrases
Characterizing paraphrases formally has proven to be a challenging task.
Hasegawa et al. (2011) pointed out the usefulness of FrameNet for
paraphrase research, focusing on paraphrases which are backed by underlying classical linguistic relationships such as synonymy or
voice alternations. This article proposes that other frame-to-frame-relations, notably
Using, can serve as a source for
concept-based paraphrases – that is, paraphrases that are backed by common sense knowledge, as in
he called him a
hero –
he praised him for being a hero. While the predicates in these sentences are not synonymous,
we would argue that the sentences are paraphrases – albeit of a kind that involves world knowledge about the relationship between
different event classes. In this article, we propose a shallow taxonomy for the frame pairs which
Using, that is motivated by their ability to form concept-based paraphrases. Second, we analyze the subclass of
Using instances which supports concept-based paraphrasing, and provide a formalization of some prominent types of side
conditions that are necessary to produce felicitous paraphrases.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Frame-to-frame relations in FrameNet
- 3.Analyzing and classifying instances of Using
- 3.1Class 1: EVENTUALITY uses OBJECT
- 3.2Class 2: OBJECT uses OBJECT
- 3.3.1Class 3a: minimal paraphrases
- 3.3.2Class 3b: non-minimal paraphrases
- 3.4Class 4: other (non-EVENTUALITY, non-OBJECT)
- 3.5Frequencies of classes
- 4.Formalizing side conditions for minimal concept-driven paraphrases
- 4.1Side condition type 1: presence of sentiment
- 4.2Side condition type 2: granularity of semantic roles
- 4.3Side condition type 3: presence of semantic roles
- 5.Conclusion
- Notes
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