Book review
Stefan Müller. (2016) Grammatical theory. From transformational grammar to constraint-based approaches
References (6)
Müller, S. (2005a). Zur Analyse der deutschen Satzstruktur. Linguistische Berichte 2011, 3–39.
Müller, S. (2005b). Zur Analyse der scheinbar mehrfachen Vorfeldbesetzung. Linguistische Berichte 2031, 297–330.
Müller, S. (2007). Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar: Eine Einführung. First edition. Tübingen: Stauffenburg Verlag.
Müller, S. (2013). Grammatiktheorie. Second edition. Tübingen: Stauffenburg Verlag.
Müller, S. (2014). Elliptical constructions, multiple frontings, and surface-based syntax. In P. Monachesi, G. Jäger, G. Penn, & Sh. Wintner (Eds.), Proceedings of Formal Grammar 2004 (pp. 91–109). Stanford: CSLI Publications.
Müller, S. (submitted). German sentence structure: An analysis with special consideration of so-called multiple fronting. Berlin: Language Science Press.