Or constructions
Code, inference and cue too
Utterance interpretation involves semantically specified codes and context-based pragmatic inferences, which
complement each other. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate the very complex relation between a subset of codes, Goldbergian
constructions, specifically ones centering around ‘alternativity’, and pragmatic inferences. I analyze a variety of
or constructions and sub-constructions, emphasizing not only the role of coded constructions on the one hand,
and of inferences, on the other hand, but also of cues, namely, linguistic forms that bias towards a specific interpretation,
although they do not encode that interpretation. The synchronic variability with respect to the relative contribution of code,
inference and cue reflects a grammaticization cycle whereby codes (here constructions) are routinely enriched by inferences, often
supported by cues, which in turn may evolve into new codes (here sub-constructions).
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Inferring alternativity
- 3.The core or construction and its inferred readings
- 4.Complex core constructions
- 5.Specialized sub-constructions
- 5.1
Or something like that
- 5.2The ascending consecutive numeral sub-construction
- 5.3Two Hamlet or sub-constructions
- 5.3.1
The Dilemma or sub-construction
- 5.3.2
The hybrid or not to be sub-construction
- 6.Constructions: Code, inference and cue too
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
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