Variation and Grammaticalization of Verbal Constructions
This volume presents papers which in their majority have arisen in connection with the workshop “Variation and
Grammaticalization of Verbal Constructions”, held at the 51st SLE Annual Meeting at Tallinn, 29th August – 1st September 2018. Its
focus is on verbal constructions in Germanic languages, constructional variation and degrees of polyfunctionality between lexical,
idiomatic and grammaticalized usages. The major object of this volume is to investigate the conditions and interdependencies of
such variations and polyfunctionalities. The theoretical and conceptual foundations of the studies united here rest upon
grammaticalization theory, usage-based constructional approaches, and frame semantics, allway in combination with empirical testing. The
scope of interest comprises synchronic as well as diachronic phenomena in various registers and communicative types.
Article outline
- 1.General background
- 2.Verbal constructions
- 3.The contributions
This article is available free of charge.
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